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The Asian Coal Ash Association and it’s members conduct and contribute research on market and technical developments in the coal combustion by-products industry. The Association launched a program in 2010 to collect, publish and make available industry information to members, the media and general public. Updated reports are expected to be made available in the first half of 2014.

The Association will continue to support the production of research papers and industry market information, and invites all members and industry stakeholders to contribute to the development and distribution of industry information resources.

Asian Coal Ash Association Library
The Asian Coal Ash Association are currently developing a library of papers from the Coal Ash Asia events and other sources. Contact admin[@] for more information.

Newsletters from Around the Globe

Published for the Ash Development Association (ADAA)

Published for the Ash Development Association (ADAA)

Published for the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) and the Centre for applied energy research at the university of kentucky (CAER)

Published for the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) and the Centre for applied energy research at the university of kentucky (CAER)


Coal Combustion and Gasification Products Journal (CCGP)

Our friends at the American Coal Ash Association and the Centre for Applied Energy Research have created unique peer-reviewed journal designed specifically to communicate coal ash research and emerging new technologies. To access the Coal Combustion and Gasification Products journal, please visit:

CCGP is currently looking for submissions to this year's journal. The journal is a very promising journal that has published a series of substantial papers since it began in 2009. 

To have your paper reviewed and considered for this year's journal please visit their submission page: 

Please click below to read the latest collaboration between AsianCAA and ACAA/ CAER, recently published in Volume 8 of the CCPG Journal. 

Paper published for the asian coal ash association, the american coal ash association and the Center for applied energy research at the University of Kentucky (CAER)

Paper published for the asian coal ash association, the american coal ash association and the Center for applied energy research at the University of Kentucky (CAER)

Institute of Technical Information for the Building Materials Industry (ITIBMI)

Our partners at ITIBMI are funded by the central government and managed by CBMA (China Building Materials Academy). Founded in 1958, the institute has published thousands of papers, with dozens more each year. They are China's leading organisation working on cement technologies and materials, with major consideration for energy efficiency.

Please visit the ITIMBI website for more information: 




View updates, trends and news from around the world in our "Newsletters from Around the Globe" section of the AsianCAA website. See how other trade associations review the utilization and production of coal and fly ash in their own regions.  

AsianCAA is currently working on an inclusive newsletter, covering coal ash industries in China, India, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand and Indonesia. This newsletter should be completed by April 2016. 

If you would like a copy of the newsletter please become apart of our mailing list.

CHairman of the Asian Coal Ash Association David Harris (left) and Tom RObl (right), Scientist and director at the center for applied energy research at the university of kentucky. Both were in attendance at Woca 2015, shown here.

CHairman of the Asian Coal Ash Association David Harris (left) and Tom RObl (right), Scientist and director at the center for applied energy research at the university of kentucky. Both were in attendance at Woca 2015, shown here.

The journal is …

·        CCGP journal is open access

·        CCGP journal is a no cost journal to authors for publication

·        Printed Abstracts available in ACAA’s Ash at Work 

·        Google Scholar â€“ indexes CCGP papers – this is a high level of visibility

CCPG journal is member of …

·        COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics

·       LOCKSS â€“ Program based at Stanford University Libraries, it provides libraries and publishers with award-winning, low-cost, open source digital preservation tools to preserve and provide access to persistent and authoritative digital content.  (integrity of web-based content will remain unchanged and available in perpetuity—even if their own website is no longer available.)

·        Library of Congress – CCGP journal copyright is registered with LC